Perfect Binding

Perfect Binding

Perfect Binding (Paperback Book)

Perfect Binding is the print industry term for paperback book binding. Perfect Bound books have a very professional appearance and they’re quite economical to produce. They can accommodate hundreds of pages and be several inches thick, plus they stack and display extremely well. The square spine formed by the perfect binding method usually allows for the book’s title or other information to be printed on the spine…something the saddle stitch and spiral binding methods do not offer.


  • Less expensive than hardcover binding methods.
  • This method will accommodate a high page count.
  • It can be used for very short production runs…for example, 200 books.
  • Books can be made with a heavier weight cover for durability and longevity.
  • Forms a flat spine edge which can be printed on.
  • The finished shape allows books to stack well for storage and display.
  • Perfect binding provides a crisp, professional appearance.
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